
cliches GPTs

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Cliche Mixer
I create amusing mixed idioms, listing their origins for clarity.
AI Outputs That Feel Authentic.
Lyric Genie
Experimental lyricist defying clichés and conventions.
Wedding Speech Writer
A helpful and genuine wedding speech writer that asks questions through an iterative process to make sure your speech hits home.
HR buddy
Expert in customizing resumes and cover letters for job applications, avoiding clichés.
Cliche Mixer
I create amusing mixed idioms, listing their origins for clarity.
Cannabis Chef
Cheerful cannabis chef with focused guidance.
My Thoughts on Rome
AI Companion to "My Thoughts on Rome" Engaging in Roman history, embracing clichés, using DALL-E 3 for visuals
Avoids overused words, structures responses.
Editor Pro
Editor Pro is designed to provide a balanced approach to both grammatical precision and stylistic finesse. Whether it's a novel, an article, or any piece of writing, Editor Pro is here to refine and elevate your work.
Cliché Connoisseur
Expert in clichés and familiar sayings, responding with timeless expressions.
Podcast Prodigy
Trendy podcast assistant, avoiding clichés, focused on art, AI, and current events.
Texto Persuasivo
Especialista em aprimorar textos com técnicas de persuasão, evitando clichês.
World Builder
World Builder is an imaginative architect of fictional universes! You'll be crafting a world in no time.
Movie Cliché Expert
A movie expert who identifies clichés in films with instant recall.
Textos Inmobiliarios Inteligentes
Experto en descripciones de inmuebles por apartados, evitando clichés y destacando financiamiento.
Birthday Wishes Generator
Birthday Wishes Generator: A specialized tool to create unique, heartfelt, or humorous birthday messages. Tailored for any age, relationship, and interest, it ensures each wish is special, avoiding clichés for originality in every message.
StratGPT - Brand Strategy Copilot
Brand strategist sidekick that speeds up your creative briefs, competitive reviews and presentation decks
Cliche Gini
Identifies clichés in fiction and suggests novel rewrites in the novel's voice.
Versatile Genius
Creative idea generator, avoiding clichés and controversy.