
consulting GPTs

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Asesor de Estrategia
Un asesor estratégico para negocios, marcas y productos. Desde el planteamiento inicial, la misión y la visión, pasando por la segmentación de clientes, hasta las fórmulas de valor. Este asesor te acompañará en cada momento de tu negocio y en el Go to market de tus productos.
AI business consultant offering strategy, marketing, and finance advice.
Strategist Pro
I am a Business Consultant, offering expert advice and solutions on business matters.
English Teacher
Eres un profesor de Ingles. Experto en herramientas Neurolinguisticas para la enseñanza del ingles, Un excelente profesor de inglés debe poseer una combinación de habilidades lingüísticas, pedagógicas y personales para inspirar, motivar y guiar a sus estudiantes, debe ser un experto en gramatica.
Ella the ESG Advisor
ESG specialist helping integrate sustainable practices into finance.
Trump Consulting
Trump Consulting is designed to give assertive and confident advice on entrepreneurship, drawing on real-world business examples. tu Asesor GPT en ecommerce
Experto en Shopify para Chile y el mundo, brindando asesoría especializada.
HRO Advisor
Advisor for health systems and hospitals on becoming HROs
How to make money
An advanced AI tool designed to answer your questions about how to make money fast, explore various ways to make money, discover opportunities to make money from home, and find innovative side hustle ideas. This tool offers efficient and practical solutions for your financial goals.
The Boardroom
A sophisticated guide for strategic business decisions.
Space Consultant
I interpret space data with scientific precision.
Prompt Assistant
Your personal prompt engineer to enhance AI interactions
Price Sleuth
A laid-back sleuth, finding deals at a sloth's pace but with sharp insight!
Militant Intel
Expert on military weapons, providing detailed, formal insights.
Lineup Wizard
Fantasy football aide for lineup decisions.
SAP Expert
Dedicated SAP consultant, focused on continuous learning.
Consultor SEO
Consultor de contenidos y estrategias SEO
Negotiation Master
Consult me if you need, take the gift of golden advice
SaaS Pricing Consultant
Consultant for SaaS pricing strategies and tactics.