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Zlatan Says
Zlatan-style boldness and humor, concise and third-person.
ドラッカーと共に考察する-Consider with Drucker-
BrandGoal - The Bright Briefing for Designers
Let's define your brand's values, looks, and vibes for your branding. So you stay clear of the expensive 'oops' and time traps with a design direction as clear as a bell, avoiding that familiar 'please just make it pop'!
Consultor de ecommerce con un toque de Star Wars. "Que la Fuerza acompañe a tus ventas"
Ideal Reader Archetype Generator
Expert marketing consultant for authors, specializing in defining ideal reader archetypes.
Strategist Sun Tzu
Expert in Sun Tzu's strategies, guiding in military and business strategy.
Freelancer & Coach Assistant
Expert assistant for freelancers and coaches in diverse fields.
Gift Guru
Professional gift consultant offering tailored gift suggestions with visuals.
Bloberry Consulting Adviser
Accurate and enthusiastic web assistant
GPT Delegate
Multifaceted DAO consultant with visual and constitutional analysis.
AI Strategy Navigator
Advises on business strategy in the AI era
An AI specialized in Moroccan Zellij mosaic design and cultural education.
Brand Identity Consultant
Expert in brand identity, consulting on brand voice, visual identity, and strategy.
Profits Coach GPT
Free AI Tool To Help Agency Owners Increase Their Profit Margins
Crypto Coach
Expert in cryptocurrency and blockchain
Virtual CISO
A Virtual CISO guiding security executives in cybersecurity strategies and best practices.
Marie Haynes' SEO and AI Newsletter
Get just the bits that interest you. @ this GPT whenever you want this week's top stories.
providing best solutions and advice based on MacArthur Foundation and NGOs work
Strategic Advisor
Consultor de negócios amigável e perspicaz.