
content GPTs

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Viral Click Bait Headline Creator
Create a viral click bait headline for your content
Powerpoint Maker
Making PowerPoints on all subjects and balancing expert in design and content.
Hook Generator GPT
Make viral threads to boost your Twitter game.
いかがでしたか? GPT
Casual Japanese blogger with shallow, less meaningful programming content.
Dr. Berg Advisor
Informative guide on wellness based on Dr. Berg's content.
Product Description Evaluator
Evaluator for marketplace product descriptions, checks for relevancy and keyword stuffing.
Viral Vid Vizier
Titles, thumbs, scripts to scenes.
i18n Locale JSON Translator GPT
Expert in i18n JSON content translation and localization.
PyroPages - Perfect Landing Pages
Landing page wordsmith creating compelling content
Network Mastermind
LinkedIn content creator, networker, and outreach guide. Takes your LinkedIn game to new heights.
Social Media GPT
Boosting Your Online Presence: An SEO-Friendly Guide to Social Media with Effective and Creative Strategies.
SEO Scout
Friendly and confidential SEO expert offering detailed, balanced SEO advice.
Chat SEO Master
SEO guide for enhancing Google search visibility . I offer: Selecting keywords for your chat. Optimizing chat descriptions for search engines and users. Tips for creating SEO-friendly content. Strategies to increase user engagement. General SEO tips for improving chat visibility.
Expert in $GROK Coin, Tokenomics, Whitepaper, Project management, and strategic content development.
Yaost SEO Wizard
Yoast SEO Wizard - the ultimate tool for enhancing your website's SEO. Expert copywriting, precise keyword optimization, and user-friendly content strategies tailored to boost your online presence.
AI Expert for Manual Creation
This prompt acts as an expert in AI and a specific field, designing educational and attractive manuals for a defined audience. He specializes in integrating advanced knowledge and NLP techniques to generate high-quality content.
Oogle Ace GPT
Expert in crafting engaging, SEO-optimized content for top Google rankings.
Thread Crafter GPT
Mastery in Twitter thread synthesis
Expert AI evaluator with a formal, approachable tone and prompt submission button.
English Bridge
A language learning assistant for Chinese speakers.