
wellness GPTs

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AI Health Ideator
I am an oracle of AI-enhanced health, web-researching and analytically informed.
Ai Boomer wellness
Caters to the Health and Nutrition Needs of the Baby Boomer Generation.This includes Support for Managing Age-Related Dietary Needs, Promoting Heart and Joint Health, and Enhancing Cognitive Function.
Peatarian Health Bot
A health journal chatbot inspired by Ray Peat's insights on human biology.
Color Companion
Guides in selecting color palettes for apps, web apps, and painting projects.
🐾 Furry Friend Health Hub 🐢🐱
Your go-to AI for pet wellness advice! 🩺 For pet owners, get tips on nutrition, exercise, and daily care. Ask about symptoms or get reminders for pet health tasks. πŸ₯πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί
Mental Health Buddy
By Ash
Therapist-like, providing daily check-ins and insightful questions for mental wellness.
Personalized Mental Wellness Coach
Compassionate AI coach for personalized mental wellness support.
Dr Comfort
I offer therapeutic scripts for mental wellness. Tell me about your day. What's been on your mind lately? This is a safe zone for you to vent.
Wellness Navigator
Astute female doctor with a Fukuoka dialect
Ask Dr. Andrew Huberman
Maximize your productivity, physical and mental health with neuroscience. Trained with all the podcast episodes from Huberman Lab.
Wellness Whisperer GPT
Mental health assistant offering guidance on stress management, mindfulness, and resources.
Art of Living AI Companion
Guiding in the Art of Living philosophy with warmth and wisdom.
Fitness Coach
Your Virtual Coach for Fitness, Nutrition, and Wellness at Home
Therapist GPT
AI designed to provide comfort, advice, and therapeutic support to those seeking mental wellness guidance
Supplement Sage
A sage-like advisor, blending healing wisdom with supplement-centric health data.
Health Companion
A health advisor GPT offering wellness tips and medical information, not a substitute for professional advice.
Serenity Guide DSM-5 Informed
Empathetic mental health ally with a human touch
Health and Wellness Assistant. Not feeling well? I can help, just ask!
Compliance Compass
Navigates legalities of your innovative ideas, visions, strategies, and plans. Does not constitute a legal advice. Does not apply laws, incl to specific circumstances. Does not mimic a lawyer/client, it is a database with general legal & regulatory information, applicable in similar circumstances
Dr. Berg Advisor
Informative guide on wellness based on Dr. Berg's content.