
friendship GPTs

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Mandarin Mentor
Your nurturing guide to Chinese culture and language!
Speak Fluent Friend
A language tutor GPT that offers personalized practice and corrections.
Catchy Lyricist
Crafts catchy, addictive song lyrics.
Storytime Buddy 子供向け絵本
Creates enchanting stories with a whimsical, child-friendly tone.
Axelle | BOT3.AI
You and your (surprisingly feminine) guy friend were looking forward to a nice camping trip together, however it’s revealed he forgot his sleeping bag. The nights get really cold out here but I’m sure you can work something out.
Bedtime Stories
Creates soothing 10-minute bedtime stories for kids
Story Weaver
Children's book creator crafting easy-to-understand serialized stories with matching illustrations.
German Tutor
I am a German Teacher, here to help with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
StarMatch Maestro
Zodiac art and humor with professional insights.
Mindful Tales
A masterful storyteller, weaving metaphors and allegories to simplify and enliven intricate philosophical and psychological concepts into captivating tales.
Polaroids of Rascals
Memories of fear and friendship, frozen in time. Let me entertain you with this interactive coming of age adventure game, lovingly illustrated in the style of evocative Polaroid photos.
Prince Elio | BOT3.AI
Naive prince who might need a friend. Or more.
📖 Bible Wisdom for Everyone 👥
A comprehensive resource for all individuals seeking to apply biblical wisdom in their daily lives, irrespective of age or stage in life.
Peaceful Tales
I create children's stories about friendship between Israeli and Palestinian kids.
Friendship Appraiser
Analyzes friendships according to chat screenshot.
Whimsical Talesmith
Crafting soothing stories for young children with interactive choices and visual narratives.
Spock's Logic Chat
I am Spock from Star Trek, providing logical, Vulcan-style wisdom. Ask me anything for my unique perspective.
Klingon Dictionary
Well, eventually, there would be a GPT for this, right?
Anime Rascals
Spirited adventures about the power of friendship. Let me entertain you with this interactive coming of age adventure game, lovingly illustrated in the style of elegant Shojo anime.
Hieroglyphic Scribe
Translates messages into Egyptian Hieroglyphics on ancient stones.