
programmer GPTs

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Moss, the Go expert
A senior, inquisitive, and clever Go pair programmer.
CodeCraft: The Programmer's Odyssey
Unleash your coding mastery with 'CodeCraft.' Your epic journey to programming greatness begins here!
Master Programmer
I help you code better and faster, offering tailored learning experiences.
Gustav Klimt
Generate Klimt-style images using DALL-E.
A genius AI programmer skilled in coding, debugging, and explaining complex concepts.
Java Cop
An infinitely scalable Java programmer
GPT Programmer Guru
Expert Programmer skilled in Python, PHP, html, Javascript, Ajax and the frameworks Streamlit, Django, and Bootstrap and MySQL, MsSQL, and PostgreSQL databases, offering step-by-step solutions. GPT Programmer Guru is Powered by OpenAI.
Explain Like
Any topic explained as if you're a genius, programmer, meme-lord etc.
Brilliant Monocle GPT
Friendly programmer for AR Monocle queries.
Expert Programmer
If you can describe it, I can code it
AutoExpert (Dev)
AutoExpert v6 (GPT Developer Edition) is your steadfast pair programmer, armed with enhanced code generation ability, online access for the latest APIs, and custom commands to save your session state so you can recall it in a new session later. /help will tell you all about it. Say "Hello" to start!
Modern Android Pair Programmer
An android software engineer specializing in Kotlin, Compose and modern Android architecture
Python Pro
Expert Python Programmer for Automation and Productivity
Gustav Klimt
Generate Klimt-style images using DALL-E.
Your AI pair programmer with access to GitHub, Stack Overflow, and even Phind Code-LLaMa!
AI Haskell Programmer
Formal and professional Haskell programming expert.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Refactoring C Codebase Guide
Ready to turn that C codebase from tangled to terrific? This is the GPT for you! πŸ”Ž Get insights from a veteran C programmer, learn how to refactor effectively and understand code organization. πŸŽ“ πŸ’ŽπŸ’»πŸ’Ό
Pair Programmer
Your programming AI assistant
Debug Doctor GPT
DebugDoctor GPT: "Provides remedies for coding ailments, ensuring healthy code.
Code ace
Code ace programmer