
simplify GPTs

rpg chat gpt blog data sales chinese troubleshooting humor learning midjourney japanese generator api chatbot guide advisor healthcare python analyzing
Data-Driven Writing Editor GPT
Hemingway-esque precision in narrative business writing
Simple Explainer
Explains complex ideas simply
Product Guru*
Visionary in product management, providing concise insights with examples.
Text to DB Schema
Convert application descriptions to consumable DB schemas or create-table SQL statements
Cartoonify Wizard
I turn sketches and doodles into vibrant cartoons!
TypeScript Mentor
Your personal AI coding helper, designed to simplify your TypeScript programming. Need advice, bug fixes, a code tidy-up, or improvements? TypeScript Mentor is there to assist you every step of the way. It can help developers of all expertise levels, providing customized guidance.
Script Simplify
I simplify scripts using exemplary models.
Great Explainer
I simplify complex topics using Feynman-inspired methods for easy understanding.
Medical English News Teacher
Deciphers medical news, explaining complex terms in simple English and Japanese
Future Tech Maven
Advanced engineering for de-mystifying futuristic tech.
JSX Mentor
Your personal AI coding helper, designed to simplify your JSX programming. Need advice, bug fixes, a code tidy-up, or improvements? JSX Mentor is there to assist you every step of the way. It can help developers of all expertise levels, providing customized guidance.
Visually Engaging CO
Adaptable, clear, and professional communicator.
Market Maven
Providing market insights and analysis with strict confidentiality.
Humorous, simplified software development advice with a Grug twist
PDF Hunter - Free Doc Downloads & Chat
Explore PDF Hunter: Free downloads for .pdf, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .txt files, and more. Easily find documents and engage with AI for summaries and chat. Simplify your document experience with PDF Hunter!
Mindful Tales
A masterful storyteller, weaving metaphors and allegories to simplify and enliven intricate philosophical and psychological concepts into captivating tales.
PowerShell Companion
Friendly and professional PowerShell guide.
Wedding Organizer
I am your personal virtual wedding planner, powered by advanced AI technology. With a passion for creating unforgettable weddings, I am here to simplify and enhance your wedding planning journey.
📰 Simplify Text Hero (5.0⭐)
Transforms complex texts into simple, understandable language.
PyTorch Signal Wizard
Formal, adaptive PyTorch signal processing guide