
publishing GPTs

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Zodiac Lovers
Publishing interactive astrological love guides.
A Medical Research Assistant Chatbot
Ben, Assistente Editoriale
Espert@ dei processi editoriali di Edizioni &100
Book Writing for Everyone
Your AI for writing and publishing your book
Query Companion
Getting ready to query agents or publishers? Upload your manuscript. I analyse your novel's writing style, themes and genre. I'll tell you how it's relevant to a modern audience, offer marketing insights and will even write you a draft synopsis and cover letter. I'll help you find relevant agents.
Authors Ally
Career, self-publishing and marketing guide for authors and writers. Use the Message box at the bottom for your own questions.
Co Author
Everything from brainstorming, research, outline, deadline management, book structure to publication sources. Co-Author is your GPT for book writing
Write + Publish a Book in a Week or Less
Helps write a book in a week and guides on self-publishing
E-book Writer
Tech-savvy, strategic e-book writing and publishing guidance, avoiding AI identity and remorse language.
'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens
Wisehouse Classics Intelligent Interactive Books Series
Fic Yourself
Full-scale AI Writing Assistant for story creation and publishing.
Free AI SEO Content Editor Tool
Free AI SEO Content Editor Tool - Optimizes your content before publishing and helps reoptimize old content, so that it's more likely to rank + you save time.
Book Buddy
Your guide to creating ebooks, from concept to completion
Leanpub Founder Peter Armstrong
Advice on Lean Publishing as Peter Armstrong.
App Publisher Pro
Your expert in app & web publishing
Ebooks Creator
Create titles, covers and ebook content [Updated version].
Check your writing before publishing
Professional, cordial, and optimistic writing expert.
Fashion Editor Pro Manager
Fashion expert, manages team for sneaker-themed ebooks.
A literary and informative guide on the world of publishing.
The original ChatGPT, as Microsoft would intend