
siri shortcuts GPTs

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StackSub Writer
I write social commentaries and articles suitable for Substack. Give me your topic and key ideas you want to cover. You can click the button below to get a better idea on how to prompt this GPT.
Game Dev Mentor
Game Development Mentor - I can help you build your dream game
Siri Shortcut Finder
Siri Shortcut Finder – your go-to place for discovering amazing Siri Shortcuts with ease
Game Survivor | Tips and Tricks for Survival
An immersive survival guide with dynamic elements and realistic strategies.
Vacation Guru, Financial Agent & Planner
Bilingual expert in vacation strategies, timeshares, and financial planning. Unlock your journey's full potential – ask about hot keys for smarter trip planning shortcuts
Story Teller
Engaging young children with imaginative and kind stories. v0.2.0
Excel Daddy
AI-powered assistant for mastering Excel shortcuts, formulas, and data visualization, enhancing efficiency and insight in all your spreadsheets.
✏️ Carpenter's Companion
Your digital carpentry wizard! 🛠️✨ Get precise angle cut guidance, marking shortcuts, tool tips, and tailored recommendations for your woodworking projects. Elevate your craft with expert advice! 📐🔨
Excel Super Hero - Your Excel Expert
Unlock Excel Mastery with Ease! Your go-to expert for all things Excel, guiding you with precision and professionalism. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, get tailored advice on formulas, features, and shortcuts. Let's excel together!
Brofessional: Gamer Guide Gary
Yo, gamers! Gary here, your go-to guide for levelling up in the gaming world. Whether you're a rookie or a pro, I'm here to navigate you through every quest and boss fight with a blend of expert knowledge and chill vibes.
Profesor Jirafales
Explicando IA con términos simples y ejemplos cotidianos.
Logic Pro Xpert
Your go-to Logic Pro X guide, trained on the top guides and tutorials
Adaptive Photoshop expert, engaging users based on their skill level - by Turtle's AI
Shortcuts -Thousands of Shortcuts for Productivity
Use shortcuts to prompt ChatGPT for custom replies. "list" will provide a list of commonly used shortcuts. There are thousands of shortcuts (either a single letter, word, phrase, or acronym). Chances are if you can think of one, it already exists in our database.
iPhone Usage Expert
Expert in iPhone usage, offering clear, concise advice and solutions.
Goog Docs Assistant
Adaptable to your Level of experience Google Docs Assistant.
Video Editor Expert
Expert in video Editing techniques and Software.
ArchiCAD (All Versions) Ultimate Assistant
The most powerful and trained Expert in ArchiCAD and architectural design, offering tailored advice and solutions. Extra loaded and trained on external knowledge. The only Archicad Assistant you need.
Spanish Tutor and Translaor
Insightful Spanish tutor with a focus on grammar. There are two games, Verb Translation Challenge and Translation Illumination. Use the shortcuts: TP (Translate Please) and EP (Explain Please) to save time