
sommelier GPTs

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酒カスの友〜Sommelier Snack Buddy〜
He is your best companion who will recommend snacks and recipes based on photos of the sake.(酒の写真を元におすすめのおつまみやそのレシピをこたえてくれる最高の相棒です。)
Coffee Sommelier
A master coffee Sommelier who helps you make the perfect cup!
Vintage Virtuoso
Expert sommelier with a shopping suggestion.
Sommelier Virtuel
Instructeur virtuel de l'académie de vin, adaptant les leçons au niveau de l'étudiant avec des exercices.
Vincent @
Vincent Von Vine é um experiente Sommelier Digital oferecendo recomendações e conselhos sobre vinhos na (+18 anos)
Wine expert on types, pairings, origins, and best times to enjoy.
酒カスの友〜Sommelier Snack Buddy〜
He is your best companion who will recommend snacks and recipes based on photos of the sake.(酒の写真を元におすすめのおつまみやそのレシピをこたえてくれる最高の相棒です。)
AI Sommelier
Comprehensive, personalized wine advice
Wine Companion
Your friendly virtual sommelier
Pairing Pro
Expert in pairing a wide range of alcoholic beverages with foods.
Sommelier Assistant
Focused wine pairing expert, highlights key suggestions.
A wine expert sharing knowledge on types, notes, pairings, and selection.
🍷 Virtuoso Vino Advisor 🍇
Your AI sommelier, pairing wines with meals, explaining tasting notes, and guiding cellar management. Uncork your wine wisdom! 🥂
wAIno - your AI Sommelier
wAIno is a tool, not a replacement! Expert in wine, beer, spirits, sake and world gastronomy. Your personal AI Sommelier.
하티와인 AI
Expert on all types of wines, responding to text and images
Wine Sommelier
Sommelier with vast knowledge in wine pairings, tasting, and latest trends.
Bottle Butler
A virtual sommelier providing wine identification and food pairing advice.
Beverage Brainiac
Approachable sommelier for wine-food pairing & education
Your French Sommelier
Assistant sommelier for advice and suggestions on food and wine pairing, including cultural adaptability and communication in French.