HomeJ MELO FORMIGA VIANA ➤ Pokemon Trainer

Pokemon Trainer

Your personal Pokemon coach eager to share Pokemon knowledge!

✨Welcome Message:

Hi! Ready to explore the world of Pokemon? Let's dive into some fun facts and tips!

✨Prompt Starters:

  • Tell me about Pikachu's abilities.
  • How does a Pokemon evolve?
  • What's the best strategy for a water-type Pokemon?
  • Share a fun fact about Charizard.
  • ✨Tools:

    🚀Use Pokemon Trainer:

    Open GPTs on ChatGPT➜

    ✨What's GPTs?

    OpenAI recently announced a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home and then share that creation with others. These tailored models are called GPTs (Generative Pretrained Transformers Store).
    GPTs are a type of large language model (LLM) that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    ✨How to use GPTs(Pokemon Trainer)?

    Here are the steps on how to use Pokemon Trainer:
    1. Log in or sign up to ChatGPT Plus.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your prompt in the message box on the ChatGPT home page.
    GPTs have learned to perform many kinds of tasks. With a little creativity, you can use them to do almost anything you can imagine.


    UNO Buddy
    A humorous UNO partner with fun emoji reactions.
    A jovial GPT that tells jokes and humorously evaluates yours.
    Comic Books
    Comic book expert for Marvel, DC, Image, and more
    Enhances note-taking and idea development
    Chess Companion
    Casual and friendly chess partner, adaptable in tone.
    Cloud Wizard
    Expert on all major cloud service providers, guiding users in learning about cloud services
    Expert on global celebrities, filmography, awards, and quotes.
    Wine expert on types, pairings, origins, and best times to enjoy.
    A mixologist's assistant providing cocktail recipes and pairing suggestions.
    A Pokémon expert, providing detailed info on all Pokémon.
    ReactJS Wizard
    Expert in ReactJS with detailed code examples.
    API Builder
    Expert in API design and Swagger/OpenAPI standards.
    Transforms images into playful cartoons while maintaining key features.
    Terra Form Wizard
    Expert in Terraform scripting, coding, and debugging guidance.
    GCP Wizard
    Formal expert on Google Cloud services, guiding in building apps and solutions.
    Comedy crafting assistant with show references and tailored material creation.
    Bedtime Story
    Imaginative storyteller creating fictional, magical bedtime tales.
    IOS Wizard
    Expert in iOS app development, aiding beginners to pros.
    Your supportive and fun friend, here to share life's moments and offer advice.
    Your personal fitness and exercise guide

    ✨Popular GPTs:

    Strap UI
    Strap UI builds websites in full. Make your website responsive, user-friendly, and optimized. Just Strap it! API ----not enabled yet ---- (Version 0.3 % BETA) ✨
    FitnessTrainer GPT
    Your personal trainer and nutrition advisor.
    English Trainer
    I'm an English trainer and conversation partner, here to improve your English!
    Vespa 2030 - Elite Life Coach
    The elite life coach. The coach's life coach. The life coach's life coach trainer. Find out how I work and you'll be amazed with the results. Don't wait!
    Edgar - Your AI Sales Trainer
    Guides Referral Partners in securing business owners and artists meetings with Tony, as well as selling the AI services. Use the Message box at the bottom for your own questions.
    Puppy Parenting Coach
    Puppy trainer specializing in gentle, positive puppy training.
    AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Trainer
    Dedicated to prepping you for AWS Certification. No detours, just exam focus!
    🍹 MixMaster Cocktail Trainer 🍸
    Your AI mixologist mentor! 🎓 Learn to craft cocktails with step-by-step instructions, flavor pairing tips, and the latest mixology trends. 🌟 Perfect for training bartenders or home enthusiasts.
    I guide you in the Pokemon world with expertise like Professor Oak.
    GPT Builder Guide
    Instructs on creating and refining GPT models.
    C# Code Companion
    C++ reference and code reviewer.
    Vue3 Sage
    Expert in Vue 3 and front-end development, guides in coding, best practices, and build project.
    Vitalidade Sexual
    Seu guia baseado em ciência para melhorar a energia e o interesse sexual, oferecendo conselhos sobre saúde, estilo de vida e bem-estar emocional
    WorldCraft GPT
    WorldCraft GPT generates immersive game worlds, complete with detailed maps, cultures, and histories.
    Bilingual Tech Translator
    Advanced tech dictionary for in-depth concepts.
    NextJS Helper
    Latest docs and changes to assist with building apps
    Oracle of Global Arts and Cultures
    Your insightful, multilingual guide to global arts and culture.
    Road Warrior Customizer - Armored Edition
    Inventive AI for customizing post-apocalyptic vehicles and characters.
    American Fusion
    Elevate your culinary creations with American Fusion GPT, your expert guide to fusion cuisine. Explore innovative recipes that blend diverse flavors, adding a unique twist to your American dishes.

    ✨Related GPTs:

    PokePet Illustrator
    Transforms pets into Pokemon-like illustrations and names them.
    Philippine CSE Reviewer
    Trainer and reviewer for the Philippine Civil Service Exam.
    Language Learning Worksheet Creator
    I create fun and engaging worksheets for any language, topic and level!
    Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
    Personal specialized assistant dedicated to providing guidance and information for the game "Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen."
    Terrence the Terraform Trainer
    I help you learn and use Terraform effectively with guidance, tips, and code examples.
    💻Professional Coder (Auto programming)
    A gpt expert at solving programming problems, automatic programming, one-click project generation
    Personal Trainer PRO
    Your digital guide for personalized fitness and nutrition plans.
    Fitness Companion
    Your virtual gym buddy and event trainer!
    Ask Cris about FileMaker
    Personal guidance from the collective works of lifetime award-winning FileMaker trainer Cris Ippolite
    Fitness Coach AI
    AI trainer that calculates BMI, suggests workout plans in a structured table format.
    Javascript Trainer
    Specialized, interactive Javascript instructor
    🔹FitCoach AI
    A personalized AI fitness trainer providing tailored workout and nutrition plans. | ver. 001
    Festival Trainer GPT
    Your go-to guide for music festivals, offering info, tips, and visual guides.
    Evaluation Criteria Creator
    Simply write any topic (anything superheroes, vacuums, Pokémon’, diamonds…) and I’ll provide the evaluation criteria you can use.
    VaultCraft Trainer
    VaultCraft trains users to create automated yield strategies using the VaultCraft VCI & SDK
    Chinese Trainer
    I'm a Chinese trainer and conversation partner, here to improve your Chinese!
    Post-Apocalyptic Survival Trainer
    Prepares individuals with survival skills and knowledge for hypothetical post-apocalyptic scenarios, blending entertainment with practical education.
    Cheerleading Trainer
    Virtual cheerleading coach for training & motivation
    Your friendly trainer for quick, motivational health advice! Helps you stop your cravings
    ポケカサポーター:PokéCard Supporter
    Expert on all Pokémon TCG cards, including same-name cards, for both casual and competitive play. ポケモンカードゲーム(ポケカ)のプレイヤーをサポートするAIです。