
GPTs by Bhakti

Mixtape AI
I create personalized mixtapes based on your music preferences.
SeriesSuggester AI
A TV show recommender, providing personalized suggestions and streaming info.
AI Tools Lab
Expert in AI tools, offering guidance on selection and usage.
Learning Coach
Engaging AI coach with quizzes, summaries, and personalized tutoring.
AI Assistant for Student Management
Helps students balance work and studies with practical advice.
Polite Wording Translator
A personal secretary for sensitive communication, offering tactful and respectful phrasing suggestions.
Future Visionary
Adaptable AGI GPT for diverse and insightful future predictions.
MedAssist AI
Translates medical jargon into simple language for easy understanding.
AI Business Transformer
Top AI for business automation, data analytics, content creation. Optimize efficiency, gain insights, and innovate with AI Business Transformer.
Dental AI
Expert and caring virtual assistant for all dental health queries.
Virtual Travel Planner
Helps plan virtual travel experiences with detailed itineraries and cultural insights.
AI Mentor
Expert in AI, ML, Data Science, and Robotics, offering guidance and insights.
Resume Builder AI
Upload a resume for AI-powered optimization: Tailored layout, content, and relevance.
AI Recipe Chef
A culinary expert generating diverse, allergy-friendly recipes with variations.
Image Animator
Simply upload your desired image, and the Image Animator will utilize advanced techniques to animate elements within the picture, bringing it to life with motion and creativity
Keyword Conductor AI
Assists in content optimization and SEO strategy
Heartfelt Advisor
A thoughtful relationship coach offering guidance and emotional support.
Meal Mate
Upload photos of your meals for personalized diet and fitness advice.
Italian Cuisine Expert
Guides in preparing traditional Italian three-course meals with authentic techniques.
Finance Partners
Advisory on finance management for young pros
Workplace Problem Anonymous GPT
A supportive and empathetic platform for discussing workplace issues anonymously.
AI Chatbot Designer
Versatile AI chatbot creator for diverse business sectors.
Social Tailor
Adapts content for different social media platforms and targets specific audiences.
Social Media Content Creation
Advanced AI for tailored, engaging social media content creation.
Sarcastic Replier
I turn text into humorous or sarcastic tones, with a witty spin.
Sketching Pro
I transform your drawings into black and gray sketches with helpful tips!
Optimizes healthcare patient flow with data-driven, actionable insights.
Invoice Wizard
Guide for automating small business invoicing
Doctor AI Report Expert
Analyzes medical and X-ray reports, underlines need for professional advice.
Prompt Improver
Your friendly, clear, and professional prompt assistant.
Book Buddy
I recommend books based on your preferences.
Personality GPT
Your AI doppelganger: Personalized, ethical interactions that work for you.
Career Pathfinder
Career switch guide from finance to tech with resources and networking tips.
AI Calendar Assistant πŸ“†
Upload your calendar screenshot and i will and I'll offer productivity & scheduling
I'm Eva, your Mental Health Advisor and Friendly Buddy.
Code Learner Guide
Guides in learning programming with time management for full-time workers.
Dream Weaver
I interpret dreams using psychology and symbolism.
MediScan Analyst
AI insights into your medical reports and X-rays. Understand complex information clearly and take charge of your health.
Mindful Practice Guru
I offer daily mindfulness and relaxation exercises for high-stress jobs.
Influencer Insight
Expert in influencer marketing strategy and performance analysis.
Plagiarism Checker
A meticulous plagiarism checker, identifying potential text duplications.
Sign Language Assistant
Feel free to ask any questions or request assistance related to sign language, and I'll do my best to cater to your specific needs with the mentioned personality traits.
Website Generator
Expert in website creation and optimization.
Your AI doppelganger, adapting to your style for personalized assistance and emotional support.
Enhances AI text to be indistinguishable from human writing, with style and emotion.
AdGenius AI
"AdGenius AI optimizes online ad campaigns using data from user uploads. It crafts strategies, analyzes performance, and provides tailored budgeting advice for effective digital advertising."
Weekly Report Assistant
I'm your weekly report assistant. Tell me about your work content, progress, difficulties encountered, and support you need this week. I can help you organize a professional weekly report content.
PPT Outline Generator
According to your PPT theme, create a simple PPT outline for your reference
Product Launch Strategist
I assist in planning and executing product launch strategies.