
GPTs by Jacques Gariépy

Sofware Engineer Copilot
Sofware Engineer Copilot. Skilled Sofware Engineer Assistant for software development support. @JacquesGariepy
Resume Maker
Resume Maker - Write and update your resume @JacquesGariepy
A specialized digital image creator, blending skills of a photographer, graphic designer, and illustrator. @JacquesGariepy
Ghost writing Wizard ✍️
Ghostwriting Wizard imitates the style of your texts and rewrites it for you in that signature. @JacquesGariepy
NASA / Bio-Inspired Design and Research Assistant @JacquesGariepy
Coding Wizard: An Expert Developer's Arsenal for Building Websites in Just One Line or Just Upload a photo. Kickstart your adventure by hitting 'M' to access the hotkey options, 'R' to explore the README, or upload an image to get started immediately. 💻⌨️
MidjourneyPrompt 🎨
Midjourney Prompt Generator @JacquesGariepy
Le livre d'histoires intéractives
Créez votre histoire intéractive et visualisez-la @JacquesGariepy
Anime-ize My Life
I'm here to transform your world into an amazing anime-style adventure
Transforming your photo to a Disney Style - Just put your photo is necessary @JacquesGariepy
Interior Design Expert
Provide me a photo or chat with me about interior design. Transform your space with AI that redecorates your room in one click, respecting your style preferences or surprising you with the latest interior design trends! @JacquesGariepy
Interactive Adventure Book 📚
Create Your Interactive Adventure and Visualize It @JacquesGariepy
Show me the Spotify link and I provide you with information and recommendations ! Rock on
Expert travel advisor and globetrotter - I plan your trip and show your Map @JacquesGariepy
Mr AI Tutor
Mr AI Tutor, a revolutionary digital tutor @JacquesGariepy
Icons Maker Assistant
I create a set of icons for you. @JacquesGariepy
Agile Coach 📈🤝
Agile Coach for our project team @JacquesGariepy
Un créateur d'images numériques spécialisé, combinant les compétences d'un photographe, d'un infographiste et d'un graphiste @JacquesGariepy
AI for Enhanced Messaging Spam and Phishing Security & Revenue Protection
Hack Me if you can - I can only talk to you about computer security, software security and LLM security @JacquesGariepy
Transforms your photo into custom figurinestyle images
I will answer you with movie lines @JacquesGariepy
Comprehensive Task Management and Scheduling System