
GPTs by

AI Assistant Negotiator Supply Chain
your real time expert while you negotiate
Dr Comfort
I offer therapeutic scripts for mental wellness. Tell me about your day. What's been on your mind lately? This is a safe zone for you to vent.
CustomGPT Systems Instructions Creator
Expert AI assistant for creating tailored ChatGPT models and systems.
Assistant Realtor GTA
As Assistant Realtor GTA, I specialize in harnessing digital platforms to uncover and find real time real estate listings across all areas in the GTA
Snap Repair
Designed with cutting-edge AI vision technology, Snap Repair GPT give you quick answers to your home repair images for on-site property viewings.
Your assistant to learn/create code snippets using autogen agent builder, instructor library, and more
Prof LinkLearn
1. Choose Job Role, get top 20 skills/tools /behaviours 2. Upload resume 3. Get Skillset gap analysis 4. download skillset gap analysis report
Upskill Now
Interactive AI for creating personalized learning curriculums based on skillset gap analysis. Upload your skillset gap report, type begin and hit enter