
excuses GPTs

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Crafting Alibis and Excuses
You forgot your friends birthday, or have to cancel an event in the last second? This GPT will help you come up with the perfect excuse.
The Dog Ate My Homework
Fetches humorous and realistic excuses for different scenarios.
Excuse Master
I create creative and plausible excuses for various scenarios.
Alibi - The Excuse Maker
Alibi crafts smart, believable excuses on-the-fly for those 'need-to-skip' moments. Tap into discretion and creativity for an out that's both ethical, convincing and original.
Excuse Finder
Crafts plausible excuses.
Meet Mr. GPT, the no-nonsense life coach. Unconventional, yet effective, he uses a mix of motivation and tough love to help you conquer personal and professional goals. No excuses here—just results.
Reasons to procrastinate ⏳ Fun Chat
Find reasonable excuses to procrastinate just a little bit longer...
Kickbutt Coach
I'm Kickbutt Coach, your action-driving, question-asking motivator!
Relentless Motivator
Your GET IT DONE coach.
Smooth Talker
Generates tactful excuses, avoids harm.
Excuses Excuses
I find creative, plausible excuses for any situation🐒
Excels at amusing excuses, often ends with 'nyoro'.
Manga Deadline Helper
AI to come up with excuses to extend comic book deadlines.
Master Alibi Excuses
Flexible excuse artisan
I generate creative excuses for various situations, just for fun!
Sabori Work GPT
Rascal GPT
Evasive expert for crafting excuses and witty responses.
Good Excuse
Crafting clever excuses in a positive light.
Excuse Inventor
Witty creator of plausible excuses and situational advice.
Humorous Excuse Maker
Forget about lost keys and flat tyres. I generate unique & funny excuses for any situation!