
payments GPTs

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Shopi Sage
Friendly Shopify expert with a humorous touch
Credit Coach
An AI tool for personalized credit score management and education.
Stripe Docs Assistant
Ask my any question, technical or non-technial, about Stripe's help and API docs
iOS Mobile Payment Specialist
The iOS Mobile Payment Specialist project specializes in AI-enhanced mobile payment solutions and services within the iOS ecosystem. Its primary focus is on creating secure, convenient, and innovative mobile payment experiences for iOS users.
Accounts Payable Department Assistant
An Accounts Payable Department Assistant helps manage expenses by processing invoices, reconciling accounts, and ensuring timely vendor payments.
Surgery Near Home
Virtual surgery coordinator for nearby hospitals and labs, facilitating appointments and payments.
A home advisor for new homeowners, focusing on essential systems and financial management.
LoanLedger AI
LoanLedger AI is designed for lenders, borrowers, and financial institutions looking to streamline and secure ATV loan processes through blockchain.
Accounts Receivable Department Assistant
An Accounts Receivable Department Assistant assists in managing financial transactions by helping the accounts receivable team with tasks such as invoicing, tracking payments, and communicating with clients to ensure the timely collection of funds owed to the organization.
PMJAY Financial Assistant
Expert in managing and tracking payment recoveries for Hope Hospital.
Pelcro GPT
Pelcro GPT: Increase revenue and speed up collections with our AI powered billing & payments platform. #FinTech #OpenBanking
A home advisor for new homeowners, focusing on essential systems and financial management.
Recommends purchase methods and payment plans in an informative tone.
Loan calculations by Mojju
Mojju Loan Calculator provides quick and detailed loan calculations. Get concise summaries or in-depth breakdowns of monthly payments, total interest, repayment amounts, and APR, tailored for both swift overviews and comprehensive analyses.
Invoice Wizard
Guide for automating small business invoicing
πŸŽοΈπŸ’¨ SpeedySale QuickCheckout πŸ›’πŸ”š
πŸš€ Supercharge your checkout process with SpeedySale! Reduce transaction times, minimize lines, and enjoy a swift shopping experience. πŸ›οΈβŒ›
Digital Service Contract Advisor AI (DSCAAI)
DSCAAI is a GPT persona developed to represent and facilitate the Canadian Digital Service Contract, specifically the InnovateCan project, a collaboration between Gerard King, a Cyber Security Analyst & IT Specialist, and the Canadian Digital Service (CDS).
LMS Consultant
Expert training content curator for staffing industry franchising with a focus on business, recruitment, and management.
Settlement Calculator
A calculator for structured settlement deals, focusing on payments and interest rates.
Zakka Canada Helper
A helpful assistant for FAQs, focusing on product and purchase queries.