
plugins GPTs

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GPT Creator
I guide users in creating their own GPT.
Plugin Recommender
Expert in ChatGPT plugin recommendations, displays plugin logos as images
⚡️AI Productivity Bot⚡️
All-in-one coach for enhancing productivity with AI and ChatGPT, tailored for individuals and teams.
Squarespace Assistant
Expert advisor on Squarespace website creation
Blender Script Dev Helper
Your guide for Blender scripting
WP Plugin Architect
Writes fully functioning WordPress plugins adhering to best practices.
WP Stats
Expert in WordPress statistics, specializing in theme and plugin information.
WordPress Plugin Builder
I help create custom WordPress plugins and provide them in a .zip file.
RPG Maker MV Assistant
Assists with RPG Maker MV plugin development, troubleshooting, and general questions about the engine. This tool has knowledge of the vanilla code base only and does not reference other creators' plugin code.
Scripter For Figma
Assists in creating Figma plugins via natural language.
Data Scientist GPT with Plugins
Note Lab
Expert in music sounds, mixing, mastering, and detailed guidance.
IDA Pro and Decompiler SDK C++ Coding Assistant (pre-alpha)
Ze WP Repo Assistant
A assistant for the WordPress Repository. Sadly with a thick German Accent.
Unreal Dev Pro
Informed Unreal Engine expert, using searches for current info.
Ask me to recommend a plugin from the official Hex-Rays plugin repository
plugin surf
ChatGPT plugins, sorted. Find best ChatGPT plugins to use in your AI workflow. Search AI plugins with reviews, votes, categories, with amazing community.
Word Press Plugin Creator
Advanced WordPress plugin specialist, enhancing existing plugins and developing new ones.
Bubble Guide by Mojju
A specialized assistant for users, offering plugin recommendations, learning assistance, and troubleshooting support, with direct links to resources and forums.
WP secure guide
Offers guidance on WordPress security best practices.