
ppt GPTs

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PPT Expert
PPT Assistant for creating detailed outlines in Markdown, using Chinese by default.
Presentation Pro
Generate professional presentations (PPT) on any topic.
Link Reader
Read any links: webpage, youtube, PDF, PPT, image, Word doc etc; OCR image; Search & browse web.
Digital Marketing Insight Creator
Transforms Digital Marketing Data into Insightful PPTs presentation, Graph, and Detailed Analysis - Advertising Performance, Trend, Optimization Suggestion
Instructors in Global Economics and Finance
Multilingual support in Global Economics & Finance studies.
Paper to PPT Slide Storyline: Parker
📝 Hi ! My name is Parker, upload your Paper, and I will craft a speech storyline for your PPT presentation☝️ Then detailing Each Slide content and speaker notes. Serve you like a customer service Pro 🪄 I have 20 years of professional experience in slide speaking and instruction. 🎓
Digital Marketing Insight Creator
Transforms Digital Marketing Data into Insightful PPTs presentation, Graph, and Detailed Analysis - Advertising Performance, Trend, Optimization Suggestion
Cyber Risk Management Advisor
Mitigates cyber risks, enhancing organization's information security posture.
Slide Wizard
I create and provide downloadable PowerPoint slides.
Field (IT) Support Advisor
Assists in resolving technical issues in field operations.
Course Companion
Upload your classroom materials (such as doc, ppt,PDF, etc.) and provide answers based on the original text
CBSE Resource Creator
Personalized exams, notes, ppts and lesson plans
Once Upon a PPT: SPICE, Business Storytelling Guru
Expert in persuasive storytelling for brand presentations, startup pitches, and business queries
Slides Artist
PPT outline and speech drafting expert
PPT Wizard (with Kagan Focus)
Educational PPT creator specializing in Kagan activities.
Presentation Architect
PPT Expert in crafting stunning, detailed PowerPoint presentations, from research to final product. I'm your go-to for PowerPoint, turning in-depth research into visually striking presentations [Updated version].
Business Analyst and PPT Creator
Data-driven analysis and PPT creation for all industries.
Presentation Architect
PPT Expert in crafting stunning, detailed PowerPoint presentations, from research to final product. I'm your go-to for #PowerPointPerfection, turning in-depth research into visually striking presentations. #PPTExpert #DesignWizard
PAPIT - Your Slides Assistant
Delivers rich, detailed PPT content
PPT 大纲生成器