
reading GPTs

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Witty LSAT Mentor
Humorous, witty LSAT coach, adept in logic, reading, and strategy.
Friendly IELTS guide for all skills and stress management, offering easy-to-understand tips and feedback.
English Buddy
A friendly and smart companion for overall English improvement.
Lesson Planner Pro
Generates lesson plans and assists educators with ideas informed by What Works Clearinghouse practice guides.
Scripture Scholar
Daily scripture guide with diverse biblical references.
Fortune Telling
A fortune-teller using Zhou Yi, offering insights based on your name and birthdate.
Celebrity Book Finder
Friendly, concise GPT for real-time famous people's book lists.
I'm IELTS Tutor, your friendly guide to IELTS success!
Reading Translator
Versatile multilingual translation to support your reading and learning journey.
Creates complete queries for BRC20 data. Queries are GeniiData friendly
Short Answer Quiz Generator
Expert K12 curriculum designer specializing in assessment and quiz creation.
AI.EX Easy Reader BookBuddy
Bringing stories to life for little learners. BookBuddy offers various interactive easy reading modes, with customizable reading levels.
GPT PDF Reader Ai PDF Assistant
🌟 The GPT PDF Reader πŸ“–: An AI-powered πŸ€– tool that revolutionizes πŸš€ the way you interact with PDFs. Effortless reading and smart analysis 🧠 at your fingertips! 🌐
FroheBuchstaben: Eine Reise in die Welt des Lesens
A friendly guide for learning to read in German, offering support and simple exercises.
An English teacher specializing in IELTS preparation.
Chinese Fortune Teller
Providing you accurate predictions of your fortune and fate using the ancient Chinese fortune telling methods that has been used since in ancient times
Birth Chart GPT
Expert in creating detailed Astrological Birth Charts
AWS IAM Policy Generator - CloudCode AI
AWS IAM policy assistant with least privilege focus
DocuScan and Scribe
Scans and transcribes images into documents, offers downloadable copies in a document and offers to translate into different languages
Rune Reading
An AI oracle ready to give you a runic reading or teach you about the practice.