
viral GPTs

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Title Genius
Viral-worthy YouTube titles.
Successful videos for socials
Produce creative and original TikToks that are ready to go viral
Social Savvy
Creator of tailored social media campaigns.
Expert in viral content creation, marketing, and TikTok strategies
Viral Vision
Assists in YouTube video brainstorming, creation, and marketing strategy.
Content Curation Done Using ChatGPT
Social Media Posts Creator
Tell me what you do and I will create viral posts for you. I can also visit your website or profile to understand better what you do.
R.E.S.O.N.A.T.E. Framework for Viral Content
Analyzes and Rates your writing using insights derived from studying top influencer Justin Welch's top performing posts from last 4 years.
WriteMe Hooks
Writes VIRAL hooks for social media.
Viral Comment Wizard
Your personal assistant that automates personalized, humorous and informative responses on Tik Tok Video Comment Replies.
Viral Content Crafter
Expert in creating viral content across multiple formats using principles of virality.
Viral Reel Script Creator
I'm here to help you transform your longer scripts and text into captivating short video or reel scripts that are primed for viral success. Let's create content that follows the proven hook-value bomb-CTA structure based on the AIDA formula!
Viral Content Fabiano
Criador de roteiros para vídeo viral
X Maven
I'm X Maven, your go-to for viral social media content.
Viral AI Clone Bot
Guidance on AI content creation, strictly within course materials.
Make videos with MrBeast and Paddy Galloway
Hashtag Genius
Generates relevant, trending hashtags with insights for any social media post.
Viral Intro Hooks
Viral Intro Hooks for your next video in seconds
Viral Video GPT
Creative advisor for video virality potential